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25th Anniversary of the UniTwin/UNESCO Chairs Programme, pt.2

Language: Multilingual

Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the UniTwin/UNESCO Chairs Programme was one of the major side events during the UNESCO 39th General Conference, and it took place on 31 October 2017.

Part 2: Looking ahead to the future – what role for the Programme in achieving the SDGs?

Concluding remarks by David Atchoarena

Topics and Tags
Place/region: UNESCO HQ
Type: Round table
Production and personalities:
Moderator: Mark Brennan, Patrick Dolan
Panellists: Gloria Bonder, Jelel Ezzine, Pierre Giguère, Gloria Ramirez Hernandez, Marc-André Renold, Jacques Zeelen
Publisher: UNESCO Education Sector
Published in:
Rights: CC-BY-SA

Original: Video.MP4
Location: EV only
UMVS reference: AVFONDS-2017-10-31-024813-UNITWIN.pt2