Index Translationum   Search result
   Your query was: Author = Orbach Susie$

   67 records found in Index Translationum database

1/67 Orbach, Susie: Antidiätbuch: über d. Psychologie d. Dickleibigkeit, d. Ursachen von Essssucht [German] / Wacker, Inge / München: Verlag Frauenoffensive [Germany], 1979. 162 p. ill. 2. Aufl. Fat is a feminist issue [English]
2/67 Orbach, Susie: Fetma är en kvinnofråga: att gå ner i vikt utan att banta [Swedish] / Frisch, Paul / Stockholm: Prisma [Sweden], 1980. 204 p. Fat is a feminist issue: the anti-diet guide to permanent weight lass [English]
3/67 Orbach, Susie: Fedme - et kvinnespørsmål [Norwegian] / Formo, Tone / Oslo: Pax [Norway], 1981. 149 p. Fat is a feminist issue: the anti-diet guide to permanent weight loss [English]
4/67 Orbach, Susie: Noi e il nostro grasso: un manuale di self help contro il grasso e contro le diete [Italian] / Bertozzi, Donatella / Roma: Savelli [Italy], 1979. 192 p. Fat is a feminist issue [English]
5/67 Eichenbaum, Luise; Orbach, Susie: Feministische Psychotherapie: auf. d. Suche nach e. neuen Selbstverständnis d. Frau [German] / Theusner-Stampa, Gudrun / München: Kösel [Germany], 1984. 221 p. Outside in, inside out [English]
6/67 Orbach, Susie: Antidiätbuch [German] / Holfelder-von der Tann, Cornelia; Wacker, Inge / München: Frauenoffensive [Germany], 1984. 2 v. Fat is a feminist issue [English]
7/67 Eichenbaum, Luise; Orbach, Susie: Ganz Frau und wirklich frei [German] / Mitzich, Sonia / Düsseldorf: Econ-Verlag [Germany], 1984. 221 p. 2. ed. What do women want? [English]
8/67 Orbach, Susie: Maigrir sans obsession [French] / Dupont, Sylvie / Montréal: Le Jour [Canada], 1984. 233 p. Fat is a feminist issue [English]
9/67 Eichenbaum, Luise; Orbach, Susie: Kvinder udadtil - indadtil [Danish] / Albrechtsen, Henning / København: Erichsen [Denmark], 1984. 190 p. Outside in... inside out [English]
10/67 Eichenbaum, Luise; Orbach, Susie: Hva vil kvinnen [Norwegian] / Ofstad, Knut / Oslo: Cappelen [Norway], 1984. 212 p. What do women want: exploding the dependency myth [English]