Index Translationum   Search result
   Your query was: Author = Capullo Greg$

   7 records found in Index Translationum database

1/7 Capullo, Greg; Moore, Alan; Sears, Bart: Violator [Spanish] / Barcelona: Planeta-De Agostini [Spain], 1995. 80 p. principalmente ill. col. Violator [English]
2/7 Capullo, Greg: The Creech : 01.. Todesahnung / 02.. Erwachen / 03.. Auferstehung [German] / Neubauer, Frank / Rastatt: Infinity-Verl. [Germany], 1999. 3 v. [English]
3/7 Capullo, Greg: The Creech [French] / Viévard, Sophie / Paris: Semic [France], 2002. Non paginé ca 120 p., ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. [English]
4/7 Capullo, Greg: The Creech (2:) La quête du sang [French] (ISBN: 2-914082-74-6) / Clark SI / Paris: Semic [France], 2002. Non paginé ca 96 p., ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. [English]
5/7 McFarlane, Todd; Capullo, Greg; Silvestri, Marc: Malédiction [French] (ISBN: 978-2-7560-0676-5) / Racunica, Alex Nikolavitch / Paris: Delcourt [France], 2007. 1 vol. (non paginé ca 280 p.), ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. Spawn [English]
6/7 McFarlane, Todd; Capullo, Greg; Daniel, Tony; Moore, Alan: Damnation [French] (ISBN: 978-2-7560-1282-7) / Racunica, Alex Nikolavitch / Paris: Delcourt [France], 2008. 1 vol. (non paginé ca 288 p.), ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. Spawn [English]
7/7 McFarlane, Todd; Capullo, Greg: Sjećanja [Croatian] (ISBN: 978-953-95553-7-3) / Jović, Mario / Dubrovnik: Dani [Croatia], 2009. 192 str., ilustr. u bojama [English]