Index Translationum   Search result
   Your query was: Author = Deane Phyllis$

   15 records found in Index Translationum database

1/15 Deane, Phyllis: A evolução das idéias econômicas [Portuguese] / Souza, Mauro Roberto da Costa / Rio de Janeiro: Zahar [Brazil], 1980. 287 p. The evolution of economic ideas [English]
2/15 Deane, Phyllis: Keizai shisô no hatten [Japanese] / Okuno, Masahiro / Tokyo: Iwanami syoten [Japan], 1982. 375 p. The evolution of economic ideas [English]
3/15 Deane, Phyllis: Idee e problemi dell'economia moderna [Italian] / Ferrara, Giovanni / Roma, Bari: Laterza [Italy], 1981. 303 p. The evolution of economic ideas [English]
4/15 Deane, Phyllis: La prima rivoluzione industriale [Italian] / Rosio, Carla / Bologna: Il mulino [Italy], 1982. 425 p. The first industrial revolution [English]
5/15 Deane, Phyllis: A közgazdasági gondolatok fejlődése [Hungarian] / Szepesi, György / Budapest: Közgazdasági és Jogi Kiadó [Hungary], 1984. 298 p. The evolution of economic ideas [English]
6/15 Deane, Phyllis: La primera revolución industrial [Spanish] / Solé-Turá, Jorge / Barcelona: Península [Spain], 1986. 334 p. 5. ed. The first industrial revolution [English]
7/15 Deane, Phyllis: Yonggukui sanophyokmyong [Korean] / Chongu, I.; Kyongsu, Na / Seoul: Miumsa [Korea, Republic of], 1987. 327 p. The first industrial revolution [English]
8/15 Deane, Phyllis: La primera revolución industrial [Spanish] / Solé-Turá, Jorge / Barcelona: edicions 62 [Spain], 1989. 334 p. The first industrial revolution [English]
9/15 Deane, Phyllis: El estado y el sistema económico : introducción a la historia de la economía política [Spanish] / Carol, Mireia / Barcelona: Critica [Spain], 1993. 217 p. The state and the economic system [English]
10/15 Deane, Phyllis: Keizai ninsiki no ayumi [Japanese] / Nakaya Tosihiro / Nagoya: Nagoya daigaku syuppankai [Japan], 1995. 298, 2 p. The state and the economic system [English]