Index Translationum   Search result
   Your query was: Author = Grossfeld Bernhard$

   7 records found in Index Translationum database

1/7 Grossfeld, Bernhard: Takokuseki kigyô no hôritsu mondai [Japanese] / Hachiôji, Chûôdaigaku shuppanbu; Yamauchi, Koresuke / Tokyo [Japan], 1982. 367 p. Praxis des Internationalen Privat und Wirtschafrechts: Rechts Probleme multinationaler Unternehmen [German]
2/7 Grossfeld, Bernhard: The strength and weakness of comparative law [English] / Weir, Tony / Oxford: Clarendon [United Kingdom], 1990. 200p. [German]
3/7 Aberbach, Moses; Grossfeld, Bernhard; Onḳelos; Sperber, Alexander; Biblia, V. T.; Center for Judaic Studies University of Denver: Targum Onkelos to Genesis : a critical analysis together with an English translation of the text : based on A. Sperber's edition [English] / New York: Ktav [United States of America], 1982. 376 p. [Aramaic]
4/7 Grossfeld, Bernhard: Hikakuhou bunkaron [Japanese] (ISBN: 4-8057-0716-X) / Asari, Tomoka; Yamauti, Koresuke / Hatiouzi: Tyuuou daigaku syuppanbu [Japan], 2004. 376 p. Kernfragen der Rechtsvergleichung [German]
5/7 Grossfeld, Bernhard: Bijiao fade liliang yu ruodian [Chinese] (ISBN: 7-302-05906-3) / Sun, Shiyan; Yao, Jianzong / Beijing: Qinghua daxue chubanshe [China, People's Republic of], 2002. 22,207ye Macht und ohnmacht der Rechtsvergleichung [German]
6/7 Grossfeld, Bernhard: Core questions of comparative law [English] (ISBN: 0890897301) / Curran, Vivian Grosswald / Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press [United States of America], 2005. xvii, 261 p., 1 CD-ROM 4 3/4 in. Kernfragen der Rechtsvergleichung [German]
7/7 Grossfeld, Bernhard: Core questions of comparative law [English] (ISBN: 0890897379) / Curran, Vivian Grosswald / Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press [United States of America], 2004. xiii, 261 p. Kernfragen der Rechtsvergleichung [German]