Index Translationum   Search result
   Your query was: Author = Kuper Adam$

   14 records found in Index Translationum database

1/14 Kuper, Adam: Antropólogos e antropologia [Portuguese] / Cabral, Alvaro / Rio de Janeiro: F. Alves [Brazil], 1978. 228 p. Anthropologists and anthropology [English]
2/14 Kuper, Adam: Między charyzmą i rutyną: antropologia brytyjska 1922-1982 [Polish] / Kaniowska, Katarzyna / Łódź: Wydawnictwo Łódzkie [Poland], 1987. 288 p. Anthropology and anthropologists: the modern British school [English]
3/14 Kuper, Adam: Anthropologia ke anthropologi: i synchroni Vretaniki sholi [Greek, Modern (1453-)] / Mihalopoulou Veiku, Christina / Athīna: Kastaniōtīs [Greece], 1994. 357 p. Anthropology and anthropologists: the Modern Britisch School [English]
4/14 Kuper, Adam: El primate elegido : naturaleza humana y diversidad cultural [Spanish] / Canals, Oriol / Barcelona: Critica [Spain], 1996. 260 p. The chosen primate [English]
5/14 Kuper, Adam: Antropologija in antropologi: moderna britanska šola [Slovenian] / Šterk, Karmen / Šentilj: Aristej [Slovenia], 1998. 238 str. Anthropology and anthropologists [English]
6/14 Kuper, Adam: L'anthropologie britannique au XXe siècle [French] / Gaillard, Gérald / Paris: Karthala [France], 2000. 273 p. couv. ill. Anthropology and anthropologists [English]
7/14 Kuper, Adam: Cultura [Spanish] / Roca Álvarez, Albert / Barcelona: Paidós Ibérica [Spain], 2001. 299 p. Culture [English]
8/14 Kuper, Adam: Zinruigaku no rekisi [Japanese] / Suzuki Seizi / Tokyo: Akasi syoten [Japan], 2000. 355 p. Anthropology and anthropologists [English]
9/14 Kuper, Adam: Antropologija in antropologi [Slovenian] / Šterk, Karmen / Šentilj: Aristej [Slovenia], 2000. 238 str. 1. ponatis Anthropology and anthropologists [English]
10/14 Kuper, Adam: Cultura : a visão dos antropólogos [Portuguese] (ISBN: 8574601462) / Pinheiros, Mirtes Frange de Oliveira / Bauru, SP: Universidade do Sagrado Coração [Brazil], 2002. 322 p. Culture [English]