Index Translationum   Search result
   Your query was: Author = Leonard Dick$

   8 records found in Index Translationum database

1/8 Leonard, Dick: Das EG-Handbuch [German] / Holl, Hans Günter / Frankfurt am Main: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung [Germany], 1989. XIII, 243 p. Pocket guide to the European Community [English]
2/8 Leonard, Dick: Przewodnik po Unii Europejskiej [Polish] / Matuszyńska, Aldona; Matuszyński, Witold / Warszawa: Studio Emka [Poland], 1998. 370 p. Guide to the European Union [English]
3/8 Leonard, Dick: Ghidul Uniunii Europene [Romanian] / Alexandrescu, Ioana; Voin, Doru-Sorin / Bucureşti: Teora [Romania], 2001. 224 p. Guide to the European Union [English]
4/8 Leonard, Dick: Przewodnik po Unii Europejskiej [Polish] / Bakalarz, Dariusz; Matuszyńska, Aldona; Matuszyński, Witold / Warszawa: Studio Emka [Poland], 2003. 386 s., ill. Guide to the European Union [English]
5/8 Leonard, Dick: Evropejskijat săjuz [Bulgarian] / Sofija: Knižen tigar [Bulgaria], 2003. 400 p 2. ed. The economist guide to the European Union [English]
6/8 Leonard, Dick: Spravočnik za Evropejskija săjuz [Bulgarian] / Sofija: Delegacija na Evropejskata komisija v Bălgarija [Bulgaria], 2006. 388 p 3. ed. The economist guide to the European Union [English]
7/8 Leonard, Dick: Vodič kroz Evropsku uniju [Serbian] (ISBN: 86-331-1259-0) / Levi, Aleksandar; Macura, Lazar; Radosavljević, Mirela / Beograd: Narodna knjiga - Alfa [Serbia and Montenegro (2003-2005)], 2004. 371 str., graf. prikazi Guide to the European Union [English]
8/8 Leonard, Dick: Dicionário da CEE [Portuguese] (ISBN: 972-618-046-5) / Martinho, Pedro / Lisboa: Sílabo [Portugal], 1991. 268 p., il. 1ª ed [English]