Index Translationum   Search result
   Your query was: Author = Phillips Scott$

   13 records found in Index Translationum database

1/13 Phillips, Scott: La cosecha de hielo [Spanish] / Martínez Muñoz, Catalina / Barcelona: Mondadori [Spain], 2001. 188 p. 1a ed. The ice harvest [English]
2/13 Phillips, Scott: Alles in einer Nacht : Roman [German] / Ebert, Karl-Heinz / München: Schneekluth [Germany], 2002. 237 S., Ill. The ice harvest [English]
3/13 Phillips, Scott: De kille oogst [Dutch] / Kuipers, Hugo / Amsterdam: Anthos [Netherlands], 2002. 190 p. The ice harvest [English]
4/13 Phillips, Scott: Alles in einer Nacht : Roman [German] / Ebnet, Karl-Heinz / München: Droemer Knaur [Germany], 2001. 256 S. Dt. Erstausg. The ice harvest [English]
5/13 Phillips, Scott: La moisson de glace [French] / Carrer, Patrice / Paris: Gallimard [France], 2002. 223 p., couv. ill. The ice harvest [English]
6/13 Phillips, Scott: De uitweg [Dutch] (ISBN: 9041407103) / Klootwijk, Ankie / Amsterdam: Anthos [Netherlands], 2003. 310 p. The walkaway [English]
7/13 Phillips, Scott: Natale a luci rosse [Italian] (ISBN: 88-384-4947-3) / Bortolussi, Stefano / Casale Monferrato: Piemme [Italy], 2000. 256 p. The ice harvest [English]
8/13 Phillips, Scott: Koori no syuukaku [Japanese] (ISBN: 4-15-172601-2) / Hosomi, Youko / Tokyo: Hayakawa syobô [Japan], 2001. 296 p. The ice harvest [English]
9/13 Phillips, Scott: Het barre land [Dutch] (ISBN: 9041408576) / Kuipers, Hugo / Amsterdam: Anthos [Netherlands], 2004. 317 p. Cottonwood [English]
10/13 Phillips, Scott: L'évadé [French] (ISBN: 2-07-042644-0) / Carrer, Patrice / Paris: Gallimard [France], 2004. 411 p., couv. ill. en coul. The walkaway [English]