Index Translationum   Search result
   Your query was: Author = Reventlow Henning$

   9 records found in Index Translationum database

1/9 Reventlow, Henning: The authority of the Bible and the rise of the modern world [English] / London: SCM [United Kingdom], 1984. 688 p. Bibelautorität und Geist der Moderne [German]
2/9 Reventlow, Henning: Problems of Old Testament theology in the twentieth century [English] / Bowden, John / London: SCM [United Kingdom], 1985. ix, 208 p. Hauptprobleme der alttestamentlichen Theologie im 20. Jahrhundert [German]
3/9 Reventlow, Henning: Problems of Biblical theology in the twentieth century [English] / London: SCM [United Kingdom], 1986. 208 p. Hauptprobleme der Biblischen Theologie im 20 Jahrhundert [German]
4/9 Reventlow, Henning: Problems of Old Testament theology in the twentieth century [English] / Philadelphia, PA: Fortress Press [United States of America], 1985. xiii, 194 p. Hauptprobleme der alttestamentlichen Theologie im 20. Jahrhundert. [German]
5/9 Reventlow, Henning: The authority of the Bible and the rise of the modern world / [English] / Philadelphia, PA: Fortress Press [United States of America], 1985. xx, 668 p. Bibelautorität und Geist der Moderne [German]
6/9 Reventlow, Henning: Problems of Biblical theology in the twentieth century / [English] / Philadelphia, PA: Fortress Press [United States of America], 1986. xvii, 188 p. Hauptprobleme der Biblischen Theologie im 20. Jahrhundert. [German]
7/9 Reventlow, Henning; Biblia, V. T.: Die Propheten Haggai, Sacharja und Maleachi [German] / Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht [Germany], 1993. XI, 161 p. 9., völlig neubearb. ed. [Hebrew]
8/9 Apfelbacher, Karl-Ernst; Bürkle, Horst; Dettloff, Werner; Fries, Heinrich; Glaesser, Alfred; Graf, Friedrich Wilhelm; Kantzenbach, Friedrich Wilhelm; Kretschmar, Georg; Meyer, Dietrich; Neufeld, Karl Heinz; Neuner, Peter; Peiter, Hermann; Rendtorff, Trutz; Reventlow, Henning; Rolinck, Eberhard; Ruppert, Hans-Juergen; Schaefer, Philipp; Schwaiger, Georg; Sløk, Johannes; Wagner, Harald: Od Richarda Simona do Dietricha Bonhoeffera [Croatian] (ISBN: 978-953-212-006-6) / Miladinov, Marina; Vil-Galić, Blanka; Will, Blanka / s. l.: s. n. [Croatia], 2007. 397 str. [Danish], Von Richard Simon bis Dietrich Bonhoeffer [German]
9/9 Reventlow, Henning: 20segi guyag sinhagui munjedeul [Korean] (ISBN: 8944703574) / Bag, Mun-jae / Goyang: Keuliseuchyan daijeseuteu [Korea, Republic of], 1999. 247p. Problems of Old Testament theology in the twentieth century [English]Hauptprobleme der alttestamentlichen Theologie im 20. Jahrhundert [German]