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   Your query was: Author = Schultz Sydney Ellen$

   9 records found in Index Translationum database

1/9 Schultz, Duane P.; Schultz, Sydney Ellen: Historia da psicologia moderna [Portuguese] / Goncalves, Maria Stela; Sobral, Adail Ubirajara / São Paulo: Cultrix [Brazil], 1998. 439 p. ill. 9. ed. rev. e ampl. A history of modern psychology [English]
2/9 Schultz, Duane P.; Schultz, Sydney Ellen: Tārīkh ravāneshenāsī novīn [Farsi, Western; Persian] / Sayf, Alī Akbar; et al. / Tehrān: Nashr-e Dorān [Iran, Islamic Rep.], 1999. 627 p. A history of modern psychology [English]
3/9 Schultz, Duane P.; Schultz, Sydney Ellen: Naẓarye shakhṣiyat [Farsi, Western; Persian] / Sayid Moḥammadī, Yaḥyā / Tehrān: Moasseseh Nashr Homā [Iran, Islamic Rep.], 1999. 605 p. Theories of personality [English]
4/9 Schultz, Duane P.; Schultz, Sydney Ellen: História da psicologia moderna [Portuguese] (ISBN: 8531601975) / Goncalves, Maria Stela; Sobral, Adail Ubirajara / São Paulo: Cultrix [Brazil], 2000. 439 p., ill. 12. ed. A history of modern psychology [English]
5/9 Schultz, Duane P.; Schultz, Sydney Ellen: Teorias da personalidade [Portuguese] (ISBN: 852210283X) / Kanner, Eliane / São Paulo: Cultrix [Brazil], 2000. xi, 528 p., ill. Theories of personality [English]
6/9 Schultz, Duane P.; Schultz, Sydney Ellen: Istorija na modernata psihologija [Bulgarian] / Andreeva, Ljudmila / Sofija: Nauka i izkustvo [Bulgaria], 2006. 512 p A history of modern psychology [English]
7/9 Schultz, Duane P.; Schultz, Sydney Ellen: Renge lilun [Chinese] (ISBN: 986-7497-22-8.) / Che, Xianhui / Taibei: Xinjiapo shangtang musheng yazhou siren youxian gongsi taiwan fengongsi [China, People's Republic of], 2004. 16,635ye , tu. 2ban Theories of personality [English]
8/9 Schultz, Duane P.; Schultz, Sydney Ellen: Historia współczesnej psychologii [Polish] (ISBN: 9788323322849) / Andruszko, Robert / Kraków: Uniwersytet Jagiellońskiego [Poland], 2008. XIX, 3, 548 s., il. A history of modern psychology [English]
9/9 Schultz, Duane P.; Schultz, Sydney Ellen: Xiandai xinlixueshi [Chinese] (ISBN: 7-5343-7047-7) / Ye, Haosheng / Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe [China, People's Republic of], 2005. 13,443ye , zhao pian History of modern psychology [English]