Index Translationum   Search result
   Your query was: Author = Senior Kathryn$

   16 records found in Index Translationum database

1/16 Senior, Kathryn: Het doorkijkboek van je lichaam [Dutch] / Holthausen, René M. / Harmelen: Ars Scribendi [Netherlands], 1994. 48 p. ill. [English]
2/16 Senior, Kathryn: Medicina: gydytojai, dvasios ir vaistai [Lithuanian] / Bartkuvienė, Linara / Vilnius: Baltos lankos [Lithuania], 1995. 48 p. ill. Medicine [English]
3/16 Senior, Kathryn: La medicina: hechiceros, médicos y medicamentos [Spanish] / Ibeas, Juan Manuel / Madrid: Anaya [Spain], 1994. 48 p. ill. col. Medicine, doctors, demons and drugs [English]
4/16 Senior, Kathryn: Medicina: médicos, menciñeiros e drogas [Gallegan] / Romero Louro, Anxo / Vigo: Xerais de Galicia [Spain], 1994. 48 p. ill. col. Medicine, doctors, demons and drugs [English]
5/16 Bergin, Mark; Senior, Kathryn: Karada [Japanese] / Syakudô Yumiko / Tokyo: Riburio syuppan [Japan], 1995. 47 p. The X-ray picture book of your body [English]
6/16 Scrace, Carolyn; Senior, Kathryn: Kyôryû [Japanese] / Kiryû Mieko / Tokyo: Riburio syuppan [Japan], 1995. 47 p. The X-Ray picture book of dinosaurs & other prehistoric creatures [English]
7/16 Salariya, David; Senior, Kathryn: Medicina: vrači, kolduny i lekarstva [Russian] / Moskva: Rosme̊n [Russian Federation], 1994. 1v. [English]
8/16 Senior, Kathryn: Erevno ke matheno: Anthropino soma [Greek, Modern (1453-)] / Ronta, Nteniz / Athīna: Axiotellis [Greece], 1996. 48 p. ill. Your body [English]
9/16 Senior, Kathryn: Erevno ke matheno: Dinosavri ke alla proistorika plasmata [Greek, Modern (1453-)] / Papaioannou, Tzina / Athīna: Axiotellis [Greece], 1996. 48 p. ill. Dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures [English]
10/16 Senior, Kathryn: Človeško telo [Slovenian] / Moravec Berger, Daša / Murska Sobota: Pomurska založba [Slovenia], 1999. 48 str. barvne ilustr. The X-ray picture book of your body [English]