Index Translationum   Search result
   Your query was: Author = Serrano Miguel$

   19 records found in Index Translationum database

1/19 Serrano, Miguel: Die besuche der Königin von Saba [German] / Luetjohann, Sylvia; Uribe, Carolina / Freiburg im Breisgau: Aurum-Verlag [Germany], 1980. 86, 12 p. ill. Las visitas de la reina de Saba [Spanish]
2/19 Serrano, Miguel: El-ella: das Buch der magischen Liebe [German] / Sigdell, Jan Erik / Basel: Sphinx-Verlag [Switzerland], 1981. 93 p. Elella: libro del amor mágico [Spanish]
3/19 Serrano, Miguel: Rakuen no hebi [Japanese] / Jun'ichi, Ôno / Tokyo: Hirakawa syoten [Japan], 1984. 299 p. The serpent of paradise [English]
4/19 Serrano, Miguel: Die Suche nach der vergorgenen Blume: eine südamerikanische Legende [German] / Seiler, Susanne G. / Basel: Sphinx-Verlag [Switzerland], 1984. 96 p. La flor inexistente [Spanish]
5/19 Serrano, Miguel: Nos, book of the Resurrection [English] / London: Routledge & Kegan Paul [United Kingdom], 1984. 190 p. Nos, libro de la Resurrección [Spanish]
6/19 Serrano, Miguel: Herumetikku sâkuru [Japanese] / Nagano, Fujio; Ogawa, Katsuyuki / Tokyo: Misuzu syobô [Japan], 1985. 181 p. [Spanish]
7/19 Serrano, Miguel: C. G. Jung et Hermann Hesse: récit de deux amitiés [German] / Birker Chavanne, Yona / Chêne-Bourg, Genève: Georg [Switzerland], 1991. 135 p. ill. C. G. Jung and Hermann Hesse [English]
8/19 Serrano, Miguel: Jung i Hese, hermetički krug [Serbian] / Lečić-Toševski, Dušica / Beograd: Plavi jahač [Yugoslavia (to 2002)], 1993. 151 p. ill. Jung and Hesse, a record of two friendships [English]
9/19 Serrano, Miguel: Jung i Hese, hermetički krug [Serbian] / Lečić-Toševski, Dušica / Beograd: Plavi jahač [Yugoslavia (to 2002)], 1994. 151 p. ill. 2. ed. Jung and Hesse, a record of two friendships [English]
10/19 Serrano, Miguel: Jung i Hese, hermetički krug [Serbian] / Lečić-Toševski, Dušica / Beograd: Plavi jahač [Yugoslavia (to 2002)], 1996. 152 str. 3. izd. Jung and Hesse, a record of two friendships [English]