Index Translationum   Search result
   Your query was: Author = Thomas Frank$

   12 records found in Index Translationum database

1/12 Thomas, Frank: Sherlock Holmes, das heilige Schwert [German] / Puschert, Leonore / Stuttgart: Franckh [Germany], 1984. 142 p. Sherlock Holmes and the sacred sword [English]
2/12 Thomas, Frank: Sherlock Holmes, das indische Kleinod [German] / Schlück, Thomas / Stuttgart: Franckh [Germany], 1986. 125 p. The secret cases of Sherlock Holmes [English]
3/12 Thomas, Frank: Sherlock Holmes, der goldene Vogel [German] / Puschert, Leonore / Stuttgart: Franckh [Germany], 1983. 141 p. Sherlock Holmes and the golden bird [English]
4/12 Thomas, Frank: Sherlock Holmes, der Goldraub [German] / Schlück, Thomas / Stuttgart: Franckh [Germany], 1985. 173 p. Sherlock Holmes and the treasure train [English]
5/12 Thomas, Frank: Sherlock Holmes, der Maskenmörder [German] / Puschert-Bälz, Leonore / Stuttgart: Franckh [Germany], 1987. 171 p. Sherlock Holmes and the masquerade murders [English]
6/12 Thomas, Frank: Sherlock Holmes, Verwirrung in London [German] / Altrichter, Ingrid / Stuttgart: Franckh [Germany], 1987. 139 p. The secret cases of Sherlock Holmes [English]
7/12 Johnston, Ollie; Thomas, Frank: Les méchants chez Walt Disney [French] / Paris: Dreamland [France], 1995. 248 p. ill. en noir et en coul. [English]
8/12 Thomas, Frank: Sherlock Holmes, die Mädchen aus Panama [German] / Puschert, Leonore / Stuttgart: Franckh [Germany], 1988. 143 p. Sherlock Holmes and the Panamanian girls [English]
9/12 Johnston, Ollie; Thomas, Frank; Thomas, Kuniko Okubo; (Ootuka, Yasuo; Takahata, Isao): Inoti o hukikomu mahou [Japanese] (ISBN: 4-19-861500-4) / Sutazio ziburi / Koganei: Tokuma syoten sutazio ziburi zigyou honbu [Japan], 2002. 583 p. Disney animation : the illusion of life [English]
10/12 Anderson, Kenneth; Clemmons, Larry; Cox, Jim; Karey, Patrick Kirk; Simpson, Byron; Thomas, Frank: Les aventures de Bernard et Bianca : Robin des Bois : Bernard et Bianca au pays des kangourous [French] / Chessy Marne-la-Vallée: Buena vista home entertainment [France], 2005. 3 DVD vidéo monoface simple couche zone 2 (1 h 14 min, 1 h 23 min, 1 h 17 min), 4/3, coul. (PAL), son., surround (Dolby) bilingual edition [English]