Index Translationum   Search result
   Your query was: Author = Williams Stephen$

   13 records found in Index Translationum database

1/13 Williams, Stephen: Press utan stress ger maximal prestation [Swedish] / Carlsson, Peter / Malmö: Richter [Sweden], 1995. 192 s. ill., diagr. Managing pressure for peak performance [English]
2/13 Williams, Stephen: Press uten stress [Norwegian] / Poulsson, Poul Henrik / Oslo: Hjemmets bokforl. [Norway], 1995. 149 p. ill. Managing pressure for peak performance [English]
3/13 Williams, Stephen: Administrando a pressao para obter o desempenho maximo : uma abordagem positiva do estresse [Portuguese] / Hoehne, João Carlos / São Paulo: Littera Mundi [Brazil], 1998. 137 p. ill. Managing pressure for peak performance : the positive approach to stress. [English]
4/13 Williams, Stephen: Karla : le pacte avec le diable : essai [French] / Bergeron, Jean; Therrien, François / Montréal: Trait d'union [Canada], 2002. 412 p. Karla [English]
5/13 Williams, Stephen P.: Daitouryou ni nattara : Amerika daitouryou kyuukyoku manyuaru [Japanese] (ISBN: 4-594-04779-3) / Izumi, Yuuko / Tokyo: Husousya [Japan], 2004. 125 p. How to be a president [English]
6/13 Williams, Stephen: Karla : un pacte avec le diable : essai [French] (ISBN: 292333504X) / Bergeron, Jean; Therrien, François / Montréal: Éditions au Carré [Canada], 2005. 412 p., 8 p. de pl., ill., portr. 2e éd. Karla [English]
7/13 Williams, Stephen; Aiding wenhua gongsi; Cooper, Lesley: Guanli VS zhichang yali [Chinese] (ISBN: 7-80193-014-2) / Beijing: Zhonghua gongshang lianhe chubanshe [China, People's Republic of], 2004. 131ye , tu Managing WorkPlace Stress [English]
8/13 Torrens, Paul R.; Williams, Stephen J.: Weisheng fuwu daolun [Chinese] (ISBN: 7-81071-552-6) / Liu, Jianping; Yin, Chang / Beijing: Beijingdaxue yixue chubanshe [China, People's Republic of], 2004. 12,640ye Introduction to Health Services [English]
9/13 Torrens, Paul R.; Williams, Stephen J.: Jiankang zhaohu tixi [Chinese] (ISBN: 986-7138-10-4) / Taibei: Xinjiapo shangtang musheng yazhou siren youxian gongsi taiwan fengongsi [China, People's Republic of], 2006. 517ye Introduction to Health Services [English]
10/13 Williams, Stephen: Lüyou xiuxian [Chinese] (ISBN: 7-81112-100-X) / Du, Jingchuan; Zeng, Ping / Kunming: Yunnan daxue chubanshe [China, People's Republic of], 2006. 197ye , tu Tourism and recreation [English]