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Nôgaku Theatre

Language: English
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Nôgaku theatre had its heyday in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, but actually originated in the eighth century when the Sangaku was transmitted from China to Japan. At the time, the term Sangaku referred to various types of performance featuring acrobats, song and dance as well as comic sketches. Its subsequent adaption to Japanese society led to its assimilation of other traditional art forms. Today, Nôgaku is the principal form of Japanese theatre and has influenced the puppet theatre as well as Kabuki.

on this subject: Nomination file/Dossier de candidature

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Place/region: Japan, Asia and the Pacific
Series: Inscriptions on the Intangible Heritage Lists
Type: Documentary
Published in:

Original: DVD
Location: F-H.129
UMVS reference: AUD-DIT/ISS/ARC/0549
Digitized version : AVFONDS-CLTITH-2008-00012.DV

Rights holder: UNESCO
Additional info: Fre, Spa versions: 3 minutes long