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Associated Schools Project in Education for International Understanding

Language: English

Rex Keating, reports on the UNESCO meeting for Associated Schools Project in Education for International Understandings, which aimed to discover how to best encourage international understandings through education. Keating interviews A. S. Hardy Hill (Canada), Muda Siahaan (Indonesia), Riad Askar (Egypt) and Silvina Laya (Philippines) about the state of education in their respective countries, and about UNESCO's East/West Project.

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Place/region: UNESCO HQ
Type: Interview
Production and personalities:
Interviewer: Rex Keating
Interviewee: A. S. Hardy Hill, Muda Siahaan, Riad Askar, Silvina Laya
Publisher: UNESCO Radio
Published in:

Original: Reel-to-reel audio tape
Location: F-S.314
UMVS reference: STV6121
Digitized version : SYNAV-DIGIT-A04635.WAV

Studio TV ref.: RAD/6121
Rights holder: UNESCO