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Education for disaster preparedness

Language: English
Available in:»English»Français»Español

Education for disaster preparedness can provide life-saving and life-sustaining information and skills that protect in particular children and young people during and after emergencies.
Disasters are not natural, they only occur when people lack preparedness or the ability to cope with hazards: it is the combination of an exposed and ill-prepared population or community with a hazard event that results in a disaster. Education therefore has a vital role to play in preparing communities and building disaster resilient societies and safe lives.
UNESCO provides tools for integrating Disaster Risk Reduction into schools and provides training for teachers and educators on how to educate children and youth to prepare for disasters.

This video is also part of the DVD, published in 2015:
Disaster Risk Reduction: Stay Safe and be Prepared. A Reference DVD

on this subject: Disaster Risk Reduction in School Curricula: Case studies in thirty countries UNICEF/UNICEF

Topics and Tags
Place/region: Worldwide
Type: Educational
Production and personalities:
Publisher: UNESCO, Education for Sustainable Development
Coproducer/sponsor: Japan Funds-in-Trust
Published in:
Library catalogue (UNESDOC): 228965,
Rights: UNESCO

Original: DVD
Location: F-H.129
UMVS reference: AUD-KMI/KSA/1226
Digitized version : AVFONDS-EDKMS-0177.MPEG

Rights holder: CC BY NC-SA 3.0 IGO