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Learning World - Fisherwomen

Language: English
Available in:»English»Français

Fisherwomen, takes us to Senegal where women buy fish and shellfish straight from the fishing boats, wash them, dry them, and sell them for a living. But their lives have changed in the last three years. Since 2007, UNESCO and the Senegalese Ministries for Education and Fisheries have been running training courses for these women. The aim was not only to teach the reading, writing and maths, but also to improve hygiene, packaging and storing of the fish in order to increase profits

This video is a television report for the Euronews series Leaning World.

Topics and Tags
Place/region: Senegal, Africa
Type: Video report
Production and personalities:
Publisher: Euronews
Published in:
Rights: Euronews / UNESCO

Original: VCD
Location: F-H.129
UMVS reference: AUD-DIT/ISS/ARC/0869-3
Digitized version : AVFONDS-DITARC-0060

Rights holder: UNESCO ; Euronews / UNESCO