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El Coliseo, gran Anfiteatro de la Antigüedad: centro histórico de Roma

Idioma: Español
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Founded, according to legend, by Romulus and Remus in 753 BC, Rome was first the centre of the Roman Republic, then of the Roman Empire, and it became the capital of the Christian world in the 4th century. The World Heritage site, extended in 1990 to the walls of Urban VIII, includes some of the major monuments of antiquity such as the Forums, the Mausoleum of Augustus, the Mausoleum of Hadrian, the Pantheon, Trajan's Column and the Column of Marcus Aurelius, as well as the religious and public buildings of papal Rome.

sobre este tema: WHC documentation about this site

Topicos Relacionados
Lugar/región: Colosseum, Great Amphitheatre, Italy, Europe
Series: NHK World Heritage 100
Tipo: Documentary
Producción y personalidades:
Publisher: NHK, Japan Broadcasting Corporation; UNESCO TV
Coproducer/sponsor: UNESCO WHC
Publicado en:
Derechos: NHK; UNESCO TV

   AUTORIZACIONES: para consultas sobre la licencia de este material, comuníquese directamente con el titular de derechos o los autores. Vease también las FAQs 4 to 7 (en inglés)

Original: Video.MPEG
Ubicación: EV only
Referencia UMVS: AVFONDS-NHK-10.91
Titular de derechos: NHK Japan Broadcasting Corporation
Info adicional: MPEG: Russian; others: MP4