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Vestiges of Phoenician Dreams: Archaeological Site of Carthage in Kerkouane

Language: English

Carthage was founded in the 9th century B.C. on the Gulf of Tunis. From the 6th century onwards, it developed into a great trading empire covering much of the Mediterranean and was home to a brilliant civilization. In the course of the long Punic wars, Carthage occupied territories belonging to Rome, which finally destroyed its rival in 146 B.C. A second - Roman - Carthage was then established on the ruins of the first.

on this subject: WHC documentation about this site

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Place/region: Mediterranean region, Kerkouane, Carthage, Tunisia, North Africa
Series: NHK World Heritage 100
Type: Documentary
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Publisher: NHK, Japan Broadcasting Corporation; UNESCO TV
Coproducer/sponsor: UNESCO WHC
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Original: Video.FLV
Location: EV only
UMVS reference: AVFONDS-NHK-0.37
Rights holder: NHK Japan Broadcasting Corporation