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Do you know AI or AI knows you better? Thinking Ethics of AI

Language: Multilingual

How is AI changing our world? Why should each of us care about it? What would be our future with AI? Four experts talk about ethical questions of AI such as self-driving cars, job loss, data bias, gender issues, minority populations, human vulnerability, international cooperation and lessons from the Frankenstein story.

#### FRANCAIS ###
Comment l'IA change-t-elle notre monde ? Pourquoi chacun d'entre nous devrait-il s'en soucier ? Quel serait notre avenir avec l'IA ? Quatre experts abordent les questions éthiques de l'IA telles que la conduite automobile, la perte d'emploi, les préjugés sur les données, les questions de genre, les populations minoritaires, la vulnérabilité humaine, la coopération internationale et les leçons tirées de l'affaire Frankenstein.

on this subject: Artificial intelligence with human values for sustainable development

Topics and Tags
Place/region: UNESCO HQ
Type: Documentary
Production and personalities:
Participant: Peter-Paul Verbeek, Koichi Hori, Vanessa Nurock, Birna Van Riemsdijk
Producer: Andres Roemer
Publisher: UNESCO Social and Human Sciences Sector
Coproducer/sponsor: Japan. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Techonology
Published in:

Original: Video.MP4
Location: EV only
UMVS reference: SYNAV-2019-06-05-001838-SHS-HD
Rights holder: UNESCO