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Caring for Children

Language: English

Children are our future. And early childhood is critical to their development.

This video clip is a part of a series of 9 videos contained on the DVD Parenting Education, Good Practice. (consult it here) It highlights what responsibilities everyone in the family and the community has for the health and safety of babies and young children. Drawings used with thanks to participants of the UNESCO, ARNEC, ASPBAE and UNICEF Asia-Pacific drawing contest 2012.

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Place/region: Thailand, Asia and the Pacific
Type: Educational
Production and personalities:
Participant: Cindy Bishop
Publisher: Kinocell
Coproducer/sponsor: Ophidian Films LTd; UNESCO Bangkok; Japan Funds-in-Trust
Library catalogue (UNESDOC): 220775,

Original: DVD
Location: F-H.129
UMVS reference: AUD-DIT/ISS/ARC/0166.01
Digitized version : AVFONDS-FUBKG-0047

Rights holder: UNESCO