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Staying Alive - 48 Fest 2006

Language: English

48Fest is part of MTV's HIV and AIDS prevention media campaign, Staying Alive, supported by UNESCO's Network and other partners. Forty-eight trained young TV producers broke into eight teams to write, shoot and edit a 3-minute film on HIV and AIDS in only 48 hours. Along with a 24-minute making-of documentary hosted by Nelly Furtado, Richard Gere, Justin Timberlake and Alicia Keys, the programmes were distributed through MTV channels worldwide.

This video is part of the DVD HIV and AIDS on TV - disk 2. (consult it here)


- Living with desire

- Stying alive - 48fest (shown here)*

- Fear and loathing

- Espoir à vie

- You, me qnd HIV/AIDS

- Condon - Mario Ferreiro

- Promise (I talk to them about it)

- Lite thy light

- Safe journey

- Learning from people

- Faith and hope

- Live and let live

- Femidoms empowers women

on this subject: HIV and AIDS on TV. A TV Capacity Building Initiative

Topics and Tags
Place/region: Canada, China, Jamaica, South Africa
Series: HIV and AIDS on TV
Type: Video report
Production and personalities:
Participant: Nelly Furtado, Richard Gere, Alica Keys, Justin Timberlake
Publisher: UNESCO Communication and Information Sector; Young TV Producers on HIV and AIDS
Published in:

Original: DVD
Location: F-H.129
UMVS reference: AUD-DIT/ISS/ARC/0258.1
Rights holder: UNESCO
Additional info: Also Best of 2006 comp.: Betacam SP - MTV Europe