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Lutte contre l'Apartheid

Langue : Français

The United Nations Special Committee against Apartheid organized a seminar on South Africa at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 28 April to 2 May 1975, to consider the present situation in South Africa and means for co-ordinated international action against apartheid. The Seminar was attended, in addition to the members of the Special Committee, by representatives of other United Nations bodies and of specialized agencies of the United Nations; the Organization of African Unity; liberation movements of South Africa, Namibia and Southern Rhodesia; and a large number of anti-apartheid movements and other non-governmental organizations. After consideration of various aspects of action against apartheid, the Seminar adopted a declaration and a series of recommendations.

Sujets et mots clés
Lieux/région: UNESCO HQ
Séries: INA-UNESCO collection
Type: Speech
Production et personalités:
Participant: Dramane Ouattara
Publisher: UNESCO Radio
Publié en:

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Original: Reel-to-reel audio tape
Emplacement: F-S.314
Référence UMVS: STV16008
Version numérisée : AVFONDS-INA-16008.WAV

Réf. Studio TV: RAD/16008
Détenteur des droits: UNESCO