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The Healing Power fo Culture

Language: Multilingual

Beyond the quest for progress, people aspire to be well. This well-being determines the quality of development. It reflects a state of harmony based on a degree of good health, comfort and emotional, intellectual and spiritual fulfilment. It is inextricably linked to the relationship between man and nature. Culture then, as the creative capacity of human beings, offers an invaluable reservoir of ideas and resources to address the ills of individuals and societies. At the same time, intercultural dialogue, as the corollary of cultural diversity, can reveal new synergies for creative healing.

This documentary is part of the DVD Cultures and developments. Exhibition organized on the occasion of the 35th General Conference, 5-23 October 2009 (available here)

Topics and Tags
Place/region: Various countries
Type: Documentary
Production and personalities:
Director: Laurent Matterie
Coproducer/sponsor: UNESCO Culture Sector
Published in:

Original: DVD
Location: F-H.129
UMVS reference: AUD-KMI/KSA/0324.5
Digitized version : AVFONDS-2009-09-20-005626.5-CLT.MOV

Rights holder: UNESCO