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Leadership and Power for Women in Business: Bonnie Hagemann

Language: English

UNESCO HQ, 30 June 2017
Soft Power Conference

UNESCO has proven its capacity to build networks of powerful women, enabling safe and conducive spaces for them to thrive as leaders by sharing experiences, common challenges and best practices on their road to success. Through education, culture, sciences and the media, UNESCO works to make the voice of millions of women leaders heard and inspire new generations of girls worldwide to embrace their own vision of leadership in any sector or field.

This panel will explore the current status of women in business and discuss future directions. The business world is a core area for leadership and the panel aims at identifying new pathways for the promotion of women’s leadership in business worldwide, building on UNESCO’s work in the field of women’s economic empowerment and through the experience and vision of the distinguished speakers of this panel.

Topics and Tags
Place/region: UNESCO HQ
Type: Round table
Production and personalities:
Moderator: Bonnie Hagemann
Coproducer/sponsor: UNESCO Division of Gender Equality
Published in:
Rights: CC-BY-SA

Original: Video.MP4
Location: EV only
UMVS reference: AVFONDS-2017-06-30.01-000409-GEN
Rights holder: UNESCO GEN