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The Digital Revolution

Language: English

In this episode of Talking about Culture, we feature an interview with Danielle Cliche, secretary of the 2005 Convention, and Octavio Kulesz, a UNESCO expert and one of the authors behind Re|Shaping Cultural Policies, who reveal how the digital revolution has fundamentally transformed how artists make, distribute and are compensated for their work. They also explore how UNESCO and its Member States have sought to ensure that all artists can benefit from the potential of digital technologies, as well as the potential effects of artificial intelligence on the cultural and creative industries.

on this subject: Talking about Culture

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Place/region: UNESCO HQ
Series: Many Voices, One World
Type: Interview
Production and personalities:
Interviewer: George Papagiannis
Interviewee: Danielle Cliche, Octavio Kulesz
Publisher: UNESCO Bureau of Public Information; UNESCO Culture Sector
Published in:
Rights: CC-BY-SA

Original: Audio.MP3
Location: EV only
UMVS reference: SYNAV-2018-03-01-003050-CLT
Rights holder: UNESCO