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Vale Mas Prevenir que Remediar

Idioma: Español

A poor farmer is forced to sell all his belongings in order to go and look after his family, who have fallen ill with typhoid. If he had been able to read, he would have seen the notices put up by the local authorities to warn the population against this disease and he would not have been taken ill himself.

Topicos Relacionados
Lugar/región: Mexico, Latin America
Tipo: Docudrama
Producción y personalidades:
Publisher: CREFAL
Publicado en:

   AUTORIZACIONES: para consultas sobre la licencia de este material, comuníquese directamente con el titular de derechos o los autores. Vease también las FAQs 4 to 7 (en inglés)

Original: 16 mm
Ubicación: F-S.314
Referencia UMVS: BX-10402
Versión digitalizada : SYNAV-DIGIT-F00090.MOV

Ref. Studio TV: Box 10402 (original 35mm)
Titular de derechos: CREFAL