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Traditional Craft Skills and Arts of Al-Naoor

Language: English

Inscription in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity - 2021. Al-naoor is a wooden wheel made of twenty-four columns and with clay jugs attached to its outer circumference. The wheel is used on the streams of the Euphrates River in Iraq, where water levels are lower than the adjacent fields. It is installed vertically on the streams of the river. As the current rotates the wheel, the jugs collect water, carry it to the top of the wheel, and pour it into the waterways leading to the fields. A source of livelihood for many, including local artisans, al-naoor knowledge and skills are transmitted through family, literature and formal education.

on this subject: Nomination file/Dossier de candidature

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Place/region: Iraq. Southwest Asia
Series: Inscriptions on the Intangible Heritage Lists
Type: Documentary
Production and personalities:
Publisher: Iraq. Haditha and Heet Cultural Houses related to the Cultural Relations Directorate under the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities
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Rights: Iraq. Haditha and Heet Cultural Houses related to the Cultural Relations Directorate under the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities; UNESCO

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Original: Video.MP4
Location: EV only
UMVS reference: SYNAV-8b17-0169400012.HD.MP4
Source ref.: DOC: 0169400012
Rights holder: Iraq. Haditha and Heet Cultural Houses related to the Cultural Relations Directorate under the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities