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For content providers

MIL MOOC Module 06, E1 - The city as a school (a network for Media and Information Literacy)

Language: English

Concept: City knowledge spaces as information providers and their role in the development of Media and Information Literacy

Issues raised according to the latest version of UNESCO Media and Information Literacy curriculum:
- How the institutions that provide content communicate the significance
- How content providers present information, people, cultures, images, places, etc.
- Academic and scientific information
- The role of users, citizens and audiences
- Engaging with digital communications companies through production of user generated content
- MIL Cities
- Codes and ethics for content providers such as media, digital communications companies, libraries, archives and museums
- Application to various media assessment of codes and regulations

Learning outcomes:
- Understand the role of libraries, museums, archives and other social facilities in providing MIL development
- Understand and describe the key concepts that are used by content providers
- Understand how knowledge of these concepts will help users/citizens to critically interact with the
- Understand and describe the importance of data and libraries
- Motivate and engage in UNESCO’s Media and Information Literacy Alliance and advocate for creative learning in city spaces and life through MIL Cities

on this subject: Media and Information Literacy

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Place/region: UNESCO HQ
Type: Instructional
Production and personalities:
Publisher: UNESCO Communication and Information Sector
Published in:

Original: Audio.MP3
Location: EV only
UMVS reference: SYNAV-2023-01-30-CI-MIL-M06E01
Rights holder: UNESCO