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MIL MOOC Module 05, Quizz - Media and Information Literacy to address hate speech and discrimination

Language: English

Concept: What is hate speech, how does it relate to misinformation and the role of Media and Information Literacy in combating this type of expression

Issues raised according to the latest version of UNESCO Media and Information Literacy curriculum:
- Misinformation and hate speech
- Stereotypes in the media and digital communication companies
- The importance of diversity, equityand inclusion in content providers’ representations
- How messages and values can be conveyed through content providers’ representations
- The impact of representation on audiences
- The role of agenda in representation
- The role of policy in ensuring diversity, equity and inclusion

Learning outcomes:
- Illustrate cases of hate speech and discrimination found on different media platforms
- Explain the qualities or characteristics that make social media the platforms of choice for misinformation, hate speech and discrimination, in some contexts.
- Evaluate existing mechanisms and the effectiveness of Internet intermediaries on addressing misinformation and hate
- Recognize prejudice, hate, deception or manipulation.

on this subject: Media and Information Literacy

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Place/region: UNESCO HQ
Type: Instructional
Production and personalities:
Publisher: UNESCO Communication and Information Sector
Published in:

Original: Audio.MP3
Location: EV only
UMVS reference: SYNAV-2023-01-30-CI-MIL-M05QUIZ
Rights holder: UNESCO