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Experiences of a Visual Aid Specialist Working in Syria, Lebanon, Gaza and Jordan

Language: English

Alexander Shaw discusses some of his experiences in Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, and Palestine, working initially with UNESCO's Fundamental Education programme, and later with UNRWA. Shaw trained four Palestinian refugees on the techniques of making visual aids, worked on educational films for refugee children, and worked on promotional films for adult education programmes

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Place/region: Gaza, Cairo, Beirut, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Middle East
Type: Interview
Production and personalities:
Interviewee: Alexander Shaw
Publisher: UNESCO Radio
Published in:

Original: Reel-to-reel audio tape
Location: F-S.314
UMVS reference: STV2341
Digitized version : SYNAV-DIGIT-A04419.WAV

Studio TV ref.: RAD/2341
Rights holder: UNESCO