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Traditional Knowledge of the Jaguar Shamans of Yuruparí

Idioma: Español, subtitles English

The jaguar shamans of Yuruparí are the common heritage of the many ethnic groups living along the Pirá Paraná River in southeastern Colombia. Using traditional knowledge and ritual practices, the shamans heal, prevent sickness and revitalize nature. During the Hee Biki ritual, male children learn the traditional guidelines for these practices as a part of their passage into adulthood. It is believed that shamans inherited their traditional knowledge from the all-powerful, mythical Yuruparí, an anaconda who lived as a human and is embodied in sacred trumpets.

sobre este tema: Nomination file/Dossier de candidature

Topicos Relacionados
Lugar/región: Yurupari, Parana, Colombia, Latina America, Caribbean
Series: Inscriptions on the Intangible Heritage Lists
Tipo: Documentary
Producción y personalidades:
Publisher: 4 Direcciones Audiovisual
Publicado en:
Derechos: ACAIPI; Fundacion Gaia Amazonas; 4 Direcciones Audiovisual; National Geographic T.V.

   AUTORIZACIONES: para consultas sobre la licencia de este material, comuníquese directamente con el titular de derechos o los autores. Vease también las FAQs 4 to 7 (en inglés)

Original: DVD
Ubicación: EV only
Referencia UMVS: AVFONDS-CLTITH-2011-0057400007
Source ref.: DOC:0057400007 CAND:00574
Titular de derechos: UNESCO ; ACAIPI; Fundacion Gaia Amazonas; 4 Direcciones Audiovisual; National Geographic T.V.