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WRD 2017: Radio Is You, with Lina Chawaf, Editor-in-Chief at Radio Rozana, Syria

Language: English

Rozana is an independent, politically and religiously non-affiliated media. Its programs discuss Syrian issues and strive to give voice to all different viewpoints.

In this interview, you will discover how Radio Rozana reaches its diaspora through using apps such as WhatsApp. Rozana is a radio station that is driven by its audience.

Rozana aims to be a voice supporting democratic values, and encourage the adoption of the concepts of citizenship and justice in Syria. Rozana stresses the fact that Syria comprises a wide spectrum of Syrians of all colours. Rozana also seeks to create a professional journalistic culture by highlighting the humanitarian, social, and political issues in Syria.

Topics and Tags
Place/region: UNESCO-HQ, Syria, Asia and the Pacific
Type: Interview
Production and personalities:
Interviewer: Alison Meston
Interviewee: Lina Chawaf
Publisher: UNESCO
Coproducer/sponsor: Radio Rozana
Published in:
Rights: CC-BY-SA

Original: Audio.MP3
Location: EV only
UMVS reference: AVFONDS-2017-02-13-001456-CI
Rights holder: UNESCO