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Easy as ABC : T is for Treasure, U for Understatement

Language: English

This recording is the fifteenth episode of the United Nations Radio series Easy as ABC, an educational series for children written by Gerald Kean and produced by UNESCO and United Nations Radio. Although broadcast internationally, this is a recording of the American broadcast. The series is hosted by Frank Gallop and David LeGrant, who voice the characters named Alpha and Beta. The recording opens with a list of celebrities featured throughout the series. This episode concerns the letters T for treasure and U for understatement, featuring Eartha Kitt. Subject matter focuses on the importance of museums and UNESCO's work to support museums. Luther Evans explains that the UNESCO acronym is an understatement of UNESCO's goals.

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Place/region: UNESCO HQ
Series: Easy as ABC
Type: Radio programme
Production and personalities:
Author: Gerald Kean
Participant: Frank Gallop (Alpha), David LeGrant (Beta), Eartha Kitt, Luther Evans
Producer: Gerald Kean
Publisher: UNESCO Radio; United Nations Radio
Published in:
Library catalogue (UNESDOC): 371507,

Original: Reel-to-reel audio tape
Location: F-S.314
UMVS reference: STV5566
Digitized version : SYNAV-DIGIT-A03976.WAV

Source ref.: MCR/3067
Studio TV ref.: RAD/5566
Rights holder: UNESCO