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Slave Routes: A Global Vision

Language: English
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“Slave Routes: A Global Vision” is an educational and informative documentary supported and produced by UNESCO. It presents the diverse histories and heritages stemming from the global tragedy of the slave trade and slavery. Aimed at a general audience, it provides an overview of the massive deportation of African populations to different parts of the world including the Americas, Europe, the Indian Ocean, the Middle East, and Asia.

The DVD highlights the African presence across continents, the significant contributions of the African Diaspora to the host societies in various fields (arts, religion, knowledge, gastronomy, agriculture, behaviour, linguistics, etc.), and the racism and discrimination inherited from this tragic past. Its scope moves beyond the trauma of slavery and emphasizes slave resistance and resilience in surviving such a dehumanizing system.

Also included in the DVD:
- Pedagogical Booklet to accompany the DVD
- ENSLAVEMENT: Knowledge Facts Sheets
- Quiz
- Indicative Bibliography
- Leaflet of the UNESCO Slave Route Project

on this subject: La route de l'esclave (

Topics and Tags
Place/region: Various countries, Africa
Type: Educational
Production and personalities:
Director: Sheila Walker, Georges Collinet
Publisher: UNESCO, Slave Route Project
Coproducer/sponsor: Délégation permanente de la France auprès de l'UNESCO
Published in:
Library catalogue (UNESDOC): 189493,
Rights: UNESCO, Slave Route Project

Original: DVD
Location: F-H.129
UMVS reference: AUD-KMI/KSA/0525
Digitized version : AVFONDS-2010-005658-CLT.MPG, 2010-005658-CLT_CC_HD.MP4

Rights holder: UNESCO