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Ethics of Genome Editing - 04. Engaging the Public

Language: English
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Curing genetic diseases and changing the environment using genome editing technology is no longer a science fiction. Some clinical trials to treat certain genetic diseases are happening and research on gene drive that may affect the biodiversity is advancing.

The decision that may affect all our lives, the ecosystem, and the future generations is too important to be left only in the hands of scientists and policy makers.

How can each member of society get involved in current science and policy debates on genome editing? How can policy makers and scientists foster multicultural and cross-disciplinary discussions to form the basis of effective public engagement?

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Place/region: UNESCO HQ
Type: Educational
Production and personalities:
Participant: Sonya Pemberton, Kevin Esvelt, Hervé Chneiweiss
Publisher: UNESCO Social Sciences Sector
Coproducer/sponsor: From the People of Japan
Published in:

Original: Video.MP4
Location: EV only
UMVS reference: SYNAV-2022-12-08-SHS-GENOME.04
Rights holder: UNESCO