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Abrindo espaços - Making Room

Idioma: Português, subtitles English
Disponible em:»Portugués»Français

The Open Schools Programme is based on a culture of peace and nonviolence to promote the citizenship of adolescents, youngsters and the school community as a whole.

It is an initiative in which several areas of the UNESCO mandate come together - an action for social inclusion that stimulates improvements in schools, cultural participation, increased awareness in regard to STD and AIDS prevention and care for the environment

Tópicos Relacionado
Lugar/região: Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Latin America
Tipo: Documentary
Produção e personalidades:
Director: Silvio Tendler
Participant: Miguel Perira, Paula Damasceno, Bruno Oliveira, Flavia Celestino, Patricia Tebet, Pedro Cintra
Publisher: Caliban
Coproducer/sponsor: UNESCO Brasilia
Publicado em:
Catálogo biblioteca (UNESDOC): 142278,
Direitos: Caliban; UNESCO Brasilia

Original: DVD
Localização: F-H.129
Referência UMVS: AUD-DIT/ISS/ARC/0236
Versão digitalizada : AVFONDS-BKIARC-0001003

Detentor dos direitos: UNESCO; Caliban