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Biotechnology Challenges: Michele Morgante - World Science Day 2010, Venice

Language: English

To the question: Are genetically modified organisms (GMO) a concern for humanity and which are the challenges of biotechnology? Prof. Morgante, from the University of Udine, replies that “GMO are first an opportunity and secondly a concern. As any new technology it needs to be carefully examined, to be evaluated for possible consequences, socially, economically and ecologically.”

on this subject: UNESCO Venice Office

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Place/region: UNESCO Venice Office, Europe
Type: Interview
Production and personalities:
Interviewee: Michele Morgante
Publisher: UNESCO Venice
Published in:

Original: DVD
Location: F-H.129
UMVS reference: AUD-DIT/ISS/ARC/962-9
Digitized version : AVFONDS-FUVNI-0016

Rights holder: UNESCO