
Survey of audiovisual production in Latin America and the Caribbean


Funds Allocated: 45 080,00 USD

Period: 2011 to 2012

Beneficiary countries: Cuba

Applicant: Fundación del Nuevo cine Latinoamericano (FNCL)


The project conducted by the Fundación del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano (FNCL) aims to carry out a regional study to gather information on audiovisual production in six Latin American countries, with a particular focus on the expressions produced by the indigenous peoples about their own lives. The information collected will be made available on a specialized information platform. The project responds to the need to document audiovisual cultural expressions in the region and aims to contribute to the formulation and adoption of cultural and audiovisual policies.


  • Established a network of researchers and professionals working in the audiovisual sector from 14 countries in Latin America.
  • Produced a regional study on community cinema in the Latin American region that prioritized audiovisual productions by minority groups.

Main activities

  • Defining the methodology, indicators and designing the survey;
  • Carrying out national and subregional studies;
  • Producing a best practice report and developing a database of audiovisual products in Latin America and the Caribbean; and
  • Promoting the findings through a public information campaign, publication and a regional expert meeting.