Charles Vallerand
Full Name
Charles Vallerand

Charles is an independent consultant with over three decades of experience in cultural policy, public service broadcasting and international cultural cooperation. For UNESCO, he has led numerous consultancy and technical assistance missions on cultural policies and media diversity, notably in Rwanda, Tunisia, Indonesia, Djibouti, China, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Mongolia, Ethiopia, Palestine and Colombia. He has also carried out assistance missions for the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie in Haiti, Togo, Burkina Faso, Niger, Rwanda and Gabon. He is the author of "Culture in Crisis: A Policy Guide for a Resilient Creative Sector" published by UNESCO in December 2020 and editor of "Cultures à l’ère numérique / Cultures in the Digital Era", a weekly press review covering emerging policy issues and best practices in arts and culture in Canada and abroad. Most recently, he led the review of funding programs at Telefilm Canada, Canada's film funding agency. He was Executive Director of the Canadian Coalition for Cultural Diversity and Secretary General of the International Federation of Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (IFCCD), which has members in over 40 countries. Charles began his career as a policy analyst at the Canadian Department of Communications. He went on to become Director of La Francophonie at the Department of Canadian Heritage, Cultural Attaché at the Canadian Embassy in Paris, Director of Planning and Director of Communications at TV5 Québec Canada, Director of Institutional Affairs at CBC/Radio-Canada and Director of Communications at the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development. He has also taught media relations as a guest professor at the École publique d'administration du Québec. 

Spoken languages