Acces program (funding scheme)

Ministry of culture
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Description of the policy/measure

Launched in 2016, the program represents a funding instrument for cultural projects that capitalize on the existing cultural and creative potential at national level and integrate it into the sphere of circulation of universal cultural values. over the last four years, the programme focused on various areas of the cultural and creative sectors: 2016- visual arts / architecture, written culture, cinematography / audiovisual, performing arts, intercultural dialogue, intangible heritage / movable cultural heritage. 2017- written culture, performing arts, intangible heritage, plastic arts and visual arts, dedicated to the centenary of the great union of 1918. 2018- written culture, visual arts and intercultural dialogue 2019 - written culture

Results achieved

The program funded 14 projects in 2016, 20 projects in 2017, 5 projects in 2018 and 6 projects in 2019.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

2016 - 1.000.000 ron (242.718 usd) 2017- 1.000.000 ron (242.718 usd) 2018- 150.000 ron (36408 usd) 2019- 150.000 ron (36408 usd)