Achivements in digital environement

Ministry of industry, energy and tourism
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Description of the policy/measure

 amongst others, it establishes objectives to improve connectivity and broadband, eliminate the digital divide and achieve the digital inclusion of the underprivileged,   and includes an objective to “promote the online production and distribution of digital contents”; these are not only what it refers to as “traditional” contents –culture and entertainment- but also new developments. 

Results achieved

The first evaluation of the spanish digital agenda emphasize that improvements have made in the fields of connectivity, access to broad band and digital contents. in the meantime has been approved a document called equal opportunities estrategic plan in the information society, focused on training, digital inclusion and literacy for women.with regard to "digital culture", great strides have been made. extensive portals have been made accessible to the public, offering collective information on funds of various centres, for instance (spanish archives portal), biblioteca digital hispanica, which contains the funds of the national library of spain, (online collections of state museums). progress has been made in the incorporation of new technologies in relation to users; for instance, library loans of ebooks which include the loan of the e-reader gadget; and other portals already mentioned for the performing arts, music, etc. (,,

Evaluation of the policy/measure

The global compliance of the objectives of the agenda have been evaluated in 60% at the end of 2014.