Bibliotheque et archives nationales du quebec's participation in the reseau francophone numerique


Description of the policy/measure

After being mandated to do so by rfn, bibliotheque et archives nationales du quebec (banq) designed a web portal (available in french only) that was launched in 2008. this portal provides centralized access to digitized heritage documents from national museums that are members, which includes 26 institutions. banq is a member of the rfn steering committee and is responsible for managing and contributing to the rfn portal.the rfn's cooperation actions mainly involve holding training missions and intemships for digital technologies for staff at institutions in southern countries. the ultimate objectives of this initiative include:- supporting the digitization of documentary heritage locally to preserve it and allow for greater online dissemination;- ensuring a north-south knowledge transfer;- providing basic digitization equipment;- contributing to local political authorities' becoming aware of the importance of digitizing documentary heritage in countries where heritage documents may be at risk of disappearing because of conservation conditions (buildings, equipment, climate, conflicts, etc.);- helping to conserve involved countries' cultural and historical memory for future generations.banq participated in internships and missions by providing, from its own human resources, digitization experts, while the iof contributes to the travel of representatives from partner countries in the south as well as funding the purchase of materials.from 2010 to 2014, guy berthiaume, the then ceo of banq, acted as the secretary general of the rfn.

Results achieved

In 2011, a digitization training mission was carried out by banq and the bnf in dakar, senegal that brought together 26 interns from the following countries: benin, burkina faso, cote d'lvoire, mali, senegal and toga. in 2012, a mission was carried out in rabat, morocco with 18 interns (benin, burkina faso, cote d'lvoire, mali, morocco and senegal). lntemships and missions were also carried out in cote d'lvoire and burkina faso in spring 2016, the new rfn library went online in beta format. the new library, which will officially be launched in fall 2016, should allow for greater dissemination of digital francophone content and become an indispensable reference for the francophonie, both for north and south countries. in addition to contributing to implementing this digital library and participating in training sessions, banq will upload digital documents from its heritage collections and archives; several documents that will be accessible have been or will be digitized thanks to funding from quebec's digital cultural plan. banq and bnf will each hold the position of vice-chair of the executive committee for the new governance structure of the rfn adopted in april 2016.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Data unavailable.