Budget program of the ministry of education, science, culture and sports of georgia - access to culture and cultural diversity

The ministry of education, science, culture and sports of georgia
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Description of the policy/measure

Program goals are: * ensure access to culture for any member of the community; * all members of society, including people with special needs, young people, minorities, are actively involved in cultural life and have access to cultural infrastructure and resources; * organize relevant cultural and creative projects, initiatives, events and campaigns and support access to appropriate spaces for people with special needs, youth, minorities and their involvement in cultural life; * support cultural initiatives for the participation and integration of minorities in the cultural life of the country; * support involvement in various cultural projects to facilitate the integration of idp children and adolescents with local peers; * culture is accessible to all in georgia, including the regions, including the mountainous regions, border municipalities, the occupied territories of georgia and the population living along the border line of the occupied territories. within the program several competitions are held: * competition - ,,promoting creative activities to preserve the identity of ethnic minorities" * competition - "unlimited opportunities" - participation of people with disabilities in cultural events * competition - "access to cultural life for mountainous regions" * competition - "art without dividing lines" access to art education in compact idp settlements and regions

Results achieved

The program promotes access to culture for all members of the society and preserves the diversity of cultural self-expression. all members of the community, including people with special needs, the youth, ethnic minorities, idp children and adolescents, population of the regions will actively participate in the cultural life of the country.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Up to 880,000.00 gel per year (up to 250,000 - 300,000 usd)