"children's participation from the local, with effective impact: the cecrea model"

Ministry of cultures, arts and heritage (mincap), through the department of education and training in arts and culture, dependent of the undersecretariat for cultures and arts.
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Description of the policy/measure

The cecrea program seeks to resolve inequality in access to the creation and development of cultural expressions of boys, girls and young people between 7 and 19 years old in the country. for which it implements four components: 1) infrastructure/habilitation and/or remodeling and maintenance of the centers, to provide physical spaces where to develop cultural projects and activities; 2) programming of the centers, to provide permanent artistic and cultural content to the targeted population that will lead the artistic and cultural experiences of the centers; 3) technical and methodological assistance, to allow the beneficiaries to access didactic and training material in the areas of interest, supporting and strengthening their creation processes; 4) activities of associativity and exchange, to strengthen both the individual and collective expressions of children and young participants as well as their own artistic developments. the program is implemented in the regions: arica and parinacota, tarapaca, atacama, coquimbo, valparaiso, libertador general bernardo o'higgins, biobio, la araucania, los rios, los lagos; and, aysen. citizen participation in the cultural sphere involves the state both in recognizing rights in the field of culture, and in favoring the strengthening of the relationship between the state and citizens, integrating them in the design, implementation and evaluation of public policies. cultural. thus, the cecrea program is an "opportunity for the development of creative capacities in a space of collaboration and mutual learning" (cecrea educational model), whose purpose is to promote, facilitate and develop the right to imagine and create of children and adolescents. young people through creative learning processes that converge in the arts, sciences, technologies and sustainability. the convention on the rights of the child (1989) is relevant for the cecrea model, since it allows for the articulation of a new way of seeing and relating to children both at the individual, group and social level in an institutionalized way, since it changes its normative figure, going from being an "object" of protection to becoming a "titular subject" of rights to exercise. it establishes four general principles, non-discrimination (art. 2), the best interests of the child (art. 3), the right to life, survival and development (art. 6) and the right to express their opinion and that it is duly taken into account (art. 12). the spaces for citizen participation of chilendren and adolescents must tend to consolidate democracy, it is in the local space where they develop a large part of their social and affective action (family, school, neighborhood), being a place of bonding by excellence. in this line, the cecrea program is responsible for being an effective and concrete response to a space for children's participation from the local level, with real and effective incidence of children and youth, articulated with a national policy.

Results achieved

The cecrea program has wide coverage at the national level, is present in 14 of the 16 regions of the country. also, by this time, 3 cecrea own infrastructures have been inaugurated in la ligua, valdivia and castro.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Budget 2020*: clp$2.623.972.000.-/usd $3.365.000.- *annual budget.

Evaluation of the policy/measure

If there is no formal evaluation of the measure, in the integrated bank of social programs (bips) that is administered by the ministry of social and family development (mideso) in fulfillment of its legal mandate of ensuring the consistency of the social offer of the state; we can find a monitoring and monitoring report of the centers of creation and artistic development program for nnj (cecrea), as of 2019: https://programassociales.ministeriodesarrollosocial.gob.cl/