Colipri project - phase ii

Artesanías de colombia , superintendency of industry and commerce, national directorate of copyright (dirección nacional de derechos de autor), colombian institute of agriculture (instituto colombiano agropecuario)
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Description of the policy/measure

Since 2013 we have been working hand in hand with the swiss cooperation office in colombia and the swiss federal intellectual property office, to develop the "colipri" project. starting in 2019, phase ii of this project was inaugurated, which aims to: i) strengthen the national intellectual property policy, ensuring that it is updated and is implemented and executed; ii) guarantee that the entities of registry and administration of the intellectual property rights offer efficient and friendly services for the users; and iii) support the representatives of entities working with intellectual property rights, of academia and of the industries in the cultural and creative sector so they agree to the acquisition, use and transfer of intellectual property rights.

Results achieved

Development, testing and dissemination of an impact evaluation tool for designations of origin. development of the strategy for the protection of the denomination of origin of the bocadillo veleno. financial support for the access to the "orbit" software for new products.

Financial resources allocated to the policy
