Community culture program

Ministry of culture, through directorate-general for cultural vinculation
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Description of the policy/measure

The "community culture program" implemented by the of the ministry of culture through the directorate-general for cultural vinculation, was launched in 2019, with the objective to promote the effective exercise of the right to culture and the cultural rights of people, groups and communities in conditions of social vulnerability, including migrant populations, by designing strategies that promote culture for peace, social transformation, participation in cultural life, community cultural development and strengthening of local capacities. the program has a national multifocal coverage with local implementation in coordination with local governments, with specific and priority attention to populations located in municipalities in conditions of vulnerability due to inequality or violence, which also have little participation in cultural actions, in order to promote social cohesion. furthermore, the program aims to promote the exercise of the cultural rights of individuals, groups and communities; primarily with those that have been left out of cultural policies in the past. through the design and implementation of strategies, we promote a culture for peace, social transformation, participation in cultural life, community cultural development and the strengthening of local capacities. under the principles of interculturality, inclusion, participation and non-discrimination, the program works primarily with people who have greater difficulties in exercising their cultural rights in their communities, whether due to their condition of inequality, discrimination or any kind of violence; through artistic and cultural formative experiences that allow them to resignify their life stories, as well as the construction of new narratives. the program is based on the dialogue with the communities and their cultural agents in three methodological moments that operate cyclically: - collect ideas - sow processes - harvest alternatives the active participation of the communities is essential for the program.

Results achieved

The community culture program has contributed to promoting the exercise of the cultural rights of individuals, groups and communities, mainly with those who have been left out of cultural policies. in 2019, it carried out actions in 535 municipalities across the country, supporting local cultural agents in spreading and training actions related to their community cultural expressions.

Evaluation of the policy/measure

The 2019 evaluation process of the program has not yet concluded and the national council for the evaluation of social development policy (coneval) will present its recommendations in the second half of 2020. the preliminary results given by coneval place it as a highly relevant program that meets its stated objectives.