Cultural school competitions

Cultural program of the province of san luis, argentina
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Description of the policy/measure

It is a governmental policy of the province of san luis, which promotes the preservation and promotion of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage and creativity. it is based on "puntanidad" (the spirit of the province of san luis) as a nurturing and inspiring source, and on human intelligence as a creator of cultural and artistic works.

Results achieved

The policy enabled to: strengthen ties with educational institutions and the community at large integrate initial level students into the program, as active participants record and save the productions at the different levels by means of different media (magazine, book, qr code) show the creations through a youtube channel and on social media, which have been constantly updated. foster among the participants the desire for continuous improvement with every edition of the competition. overcome the formal school barriers, reaching out to the community through festivals, teachers becoming cultural managers and cultural promoters of legislative declarations of interest promote agreements with neighboring provinces to overcome barriers and borders and generate a regional identity also, teachers from the neighboring province of la pampa participated in the trainings and now wish to replicate the initiative in their province.

Evaluation of the policy/measure

For the 2020 edition, the following issues should be considered: establish talent clinics, with a registry. continuity should be encouraged. declare cultural schools competitions as part of the cultural heritage at the national level establish an authorship registry for each production. plan a pedagogical path as postgraduate studies, in coordination with the teacher training schools. publish the book with the collection of stories recreated during the cultural school competition 2019. generate content for the youtube channel. carry out virtual follow-up to ensure the artistic content is updated.