Culture 2025 – a national cultural policy framework to 2025

Department of tourism, culture, arts, gaeltacht, sport and media , arts council, heritage council, local authorities
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Description of the policy/measure

Culture 2025 is ireland's first national cultural policy framework that sets the direction for government policy across the cultural sector, including the arts, the irish language and the creative, heritage and audiovisual sectors. it details the government's aspirations for these areas and how these aspirations can be achieved. central to culture 2025 is the recognition of the value of culture and creativity to the individual and society, the need to support creative practice and cultural participation and a commitment to cherish ireland's cultural heritage. key actions contained within culture 2025 include: * increasing access to and participation in the arts and boosting our creative industries; * working collaboratively to enable the creative potential of every child and young person; * investing in our gaeltacht (designated irish language speaking areas) and supporting the irish language. * supporting traditional culture and securing global recognition for unique irish cultural traditions; and * protecting and promoting ireland's natural habitats and biodiversity. key values contained with culture 2025 include: * the intrinsic value of culture; * the value of arts, culture and heritage to our lives and our communities; * the right of everyone to participate in the cultural and creative life of the nation; * the value of creativity to individual and collective wellbeing; * the value of cultural diversity, informed by the many traditions and social backgrounds that constitute contemporary ireland; * the value of culture as a means of fostering a more sustainable future for ireland, including through economic, environmental and social policy; and * the value of culture in presenting ireland to the world. culture 2025 is underpinned by a renewed government commitment to double the amount of public funding for arts and culture from 2017 levels by 2025, from eu288m ($336m) to eu576m ($674m).

Results achieved

As a national cultural policy through to the year 2025, the expected results are wide-ranging and encompass the government's entire broader cultural approach, affecting every aspect of irish society and culture. the aims of culture 2025 are being progressed through current government initiatives including the creative ireland programme, the 20-year strategy for the irish language, global ireland 2025, the national biodiversity action plan and the audiovisual action plan. it is also supported by the eu1.2bn ($1.4bn) capital investment for culture, heritage and the gaeltacht through project ireland 2040. culture 2025 will ensure a unified approach to these cultural policies across government and to planning and provision across the cultural sector.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

The policies and programmes under culture 2025 are supported through cross-departmental government funding and are set out in more detail in individual measures below.